Cutefish Ubuntu v0.1 Beta - Developer Edition

The first beta version of the Cutefish built on Ubuntu distribution. An assembly includes a standard set of package and developer libraries that have been compiled and installed from the developer source. Related bugs and package dependencies have also been fixed.

Name Version
cutefish-system-version 0.3 Cutefish desktop environment
cutefish-calculator 0.1 CutefishOS Calculator
cutefish-core 0.3 System components and backend of CutefishOS
cutefish-dock 0.3 CutefishOS application dock
cutefish-filemanager 0.3 Cutefish File Manager, simple to use, beautiful, and retain the classic PC interactive design
cutefish-icons 0.3 System default icon theme of CutefishOS
cutefish-kwin-plugins 0.3 CutefishOS KWin Plugins
cutefish-launcher 0.3 CutefishOS’s full-screen application launcher
cutefish-qt-plugins 0.3 Unify Qt application style of CutefishOS
cutefish-settings 0.3 System Settings application for Cutefish Desktop
cutefish-statusbar 0.3 Top status bar of CutefishOS
cutefish-wallpapers 0.2 CutefishOS’s system wallpaper
fishui 0.3 GUI library based on QQC2 for Cutefish applications
libcutefish 0.2 System library for Cutefish applications